Dean Architects, PLLC

Yasmiry Hiciano
cad Designer
Yasmiry Hiciano earned her Bachelor of Science and Masters of Architecture degree from the University at Buffalo.
Born and raised in New York City, she was exposed to a wide range of architectural styles at a young age. She used her exposure to discover her passion for architecture through an artistic manifestation.
During her academic career, she engaged in the technical and integration of architectural design, with a concentration in urban design. This has allowed her to engage in integral problems that would help her generate quick and efficient solutions. She has explored the different sides of architecture though local firms, which has helped her gain hands on experience and a sense of community. In her spare time, Yasmiry likes to do outdoor activities, such as hiking and biking. When she’s not outdoors, you’ll find her either reading or drawing. Since joining the team, she looks forward to being able to learn, grow and eventually become a licensed architect.

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